CasinoCoin Lobby Soft-Launch

2021 has been an exciting journey for CasinoCoin and we are delighted to close the year off with the news you’ve all been waiting for… We are proud to announce that the CasinoCoin Lobby is now live!
We are adopting a soft-launch approach with a single partner so that the process is as streamlined as possible. This will help customers in navigating and getting used to the environment, as well as helping us to identify (and quickly resolve) any issues. This will also highlight any areas that may need to improve. In light of this, RockNRolla Casino has been selected as our premier partner for this release as they offer a wide variety of slots, table, and live casino games. (It should be noted that due to the nature of the gambling industry, it is unfortunate that some people won’t be able to see or access partner sites through the lobby — this is due to regulatory restrictions and licensing laws, and completely outside of our control).
More partners will be added in the coming weeks and months and full user guides will be released in early January ‘22.
In order to launch the xApp please scan the QR code below and follow the onboarding process till you are greeted with the main lobby screen.

The xApp will stick in your app list after you scanned it a few times.
If you encounter any issues or if you have any questions, feel free to join our Discord or send an email to [email protected].